• Operate company vehicles in a safe and responsible manner, adhering to all traffic laws and regulations while ensuring the timely and efficient transportation of passengers and/or goods.
  • Drive company vehicles responsibly, following traffic regulations, and ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of passengers and cargo.
  • Offer exemplary customer service through courteous and professional interactions with passengers, addressing their inquiries, and supporting them during their trip.
  • Responsible operation of company vehicles, complying with traffic regulations, and ensuring the safe conveyance of passengers and items.
  • Drive company-provided vehicles safely and responsibly, following all traffic regulations to ensure the secure and efficient transportation of passengers and merchandise.


  • Physical Stamina: The role demands physical stamina, as drivers may be required to load and unload cargo, perform vehicle inspections, and carry out tasks that require moderate physical exertion.
  • The role demands physical endurance for tasks like loading/unloading cargo.
  • Possession of an up-to-date and valid driver's license is necessary.
  • The ideal candidate will have a history of safe driving without any major violations.
  • Candidates should demonstrate adeptness in utilizing navigation tools to optimize routes.
  • The ability to maintain a positive customer interaction is highly valued.
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt